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The car I got turns on but does not driveUpdated a year ago


Please follow the steps below so we can better assist you with finding a resolution:


Step 1: Make sure battery is fully charged (10 hours) 


Step 2: Test the battery using a volt multi-meter. Please check out this video for how to test the battery. https://youtu.be/FfMLTUNArGU


If the battery fails the test please request the following part: Battery

If the battery passes the test please proceed with step 3.


Step 3: Test the gas pedal. Please check out this video for how to test the gas pedal. https://youtu.be/CSi68RkwXgE


If the car passes the gas pedal test then the issue is with a faulty gas pedal switch.

Please request the following part: Gas Pedal

If the car fails the pedal test please proceed with step 4 .


Step 4: If the gas pedal test fails please proceed with conducting a gear switch test. Please check out this video for how to test the gear switch. https://youtu.be/Hdw-zA42YSQ


If forward/reverse test passes please request the following part: Gear Switch

If the gear switch test fails please proceed to step 5.


Step 5: If the gear switch test fails please test the high/low switch. Please check out this video for how to test the high/low switch. https://youtu.be/qkuZ-MIyIxk


If the high/low test passes please request the following part: High/Low Switch

If the high/low test fails please proceed with step 6.


Step 6. Please inspect the control board to make sure all components are securely plugged in. 


If all components are plugged in and the car does not start please request the following part:

Control Board

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